~Portraits in Blues~



Friends of Bob



Paul Thorn




Lafayette Brewing Co.


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Paul Thorn

Seeing Paul Thorn perform is like finding a needle in a haystack, a nugget of gold in a river of mud. We were immersed completely in the humor and the pure reality of Paul Thorn. Attending one of Paul‘s concerts is like attending a marriage of music and comedy! Life’s experiences through the heart and soul of Paul Thorn in music…..he is one of the few people we have ever heard who draws you into his world with anecdotes and stories about each song. You walk around in his shoes for a while, relating to the situations that he sings about. You end up crying because his humor is unique, yet so true to life that he leaves you with a great feeling of knowing that you traveled back in time to your own grade school days, and coming of age days. We feel a bond when we attend his performances. One of things that we get a kick out of is watching the crowd react to Paul when they are experiencing him for the first time….they can’t help but absolutely love him, as we all do.

The show took place at
The Lafayette Brewing Co. an excellent venue to say the least. A Great atmosphere, wonderful food and quite simply a fantastic place to spend an evening.

Friends of Bob, the organization who got the whole thing together, did a fantastic job of promoting, setting everything up, and keeping things running smooth. I am sure the band and fans appreciate their efforts and support in being able to enjoy the success of the show. Our thanks go out to all involved in setting this event up.





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